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  • You have been selected to participate in the GAM3S.GG Private Sale on Polkastarter. 

You have been selected to participate in the GAM3S.GG Private Sale on Polkastarter. 

Follow the steps in this email to complete your KYC for a chance to participate in the $G3 Private Sale.

Congratulations! You have been selected to participate in the GAM3S.GG Private Sale on Polkastarter.

⏳Private Sale KYC will close on the 4th of April, at 8 AM UTC.

Now, if this is your first time completing the KYC with Synaps on Polkastarter since the launch of One-Time KYC or if you are one of the 333 GAM3RS NFT holders*, please follow the steps below:

  1. Visit https://polkastarter.com/dashboard 

  2. Connect your wallet;

  3. Click on “KYC Open”;

  4. Follow the guidelines in the Synaps Portal and complete verification process:

    • Liveness verification

    • ID verification

* If you are a G3 NFT holder, make sure you still hold your NFT in the wallet that was KYC’d by the time of the latest snapshot before the sale on April 4th at 8 AM UTC. Otherwise, you won't be able to participate in the Private Sale.

If you have completed your KYC with Synaps since the launch of One-Time KYC, your KYC status will be automatically verified and there is no action needed. You can check the status by following these steps:

  1. Visit https://polkastarter.com/dashboard;

  2. Connect your wallet;

  3. Your status automatically appears as “Allowlisted”, “Allowlisted FCFS” or “KYC Rejected” depending on the conditions of participation in the sale.

Please note that being allowlisted and completing your KYC is not a guarantee that you will successfully participate in the Private Sale and purchase $G3.

📚 Head over to this article to discover everything you need to know about the GAM3S.GG Private Sale.

Thank you so much for your support. We are excited to have you on board!

Happy Gaming,